Public Access

Articles to help users search tax parcel and personal property information.

Viewing Tax Parcels - Parcel Detail Section
Choosing a specific parcel to navigate to from the tax parcel search results view displays the tax parcel details page for the selected parcel. The tax parc...
Thu, 4 Jun, 2020 at 11:52 AM
Personal Property & Tax - Overview
A personal property search allows a user to find a personal property account using one or more search filters. A search will return the user zero or more ca...
Mon, 4 May, 2020 at 9:52 AM
Personal Property Account Terminology
Personal Property Accounts  A formal definition of the term personal property can be found in the Wisconsin Statutes:
Mon, 4 May, 2020 at 9:48 AM
Performing a Personal Property Account Search/Search Filters/Search Results
A personal property account search allows a user to locate a personal property account using one or more search filters. A search will return the user zero ...
Mon, 4 May, 2020 at 9:49 AM
Viewing Personal Property Accounts - Account Overview Section
Choosing a specific account to navigate to from the personal property search results view displays the account details page for the selected account. The pe...
Mon, 4 May, 2020 at 9:51 AM
Viewing Personal Property Accounts - Account Detail Section
Choosing a specific account to navigate to from the personal property search results view displays the account details page for the selected account. The pe...
Mon, 4 May, 2020 at 9:11 AM
Real Estate Survey Terminology
A real estate survey in the Ascent Land Records Suite (ALRS) is an entity that encapsulates the information related to the boundaries of a tax parcel. The i...
Mon, 4 May, 2020 at 9:14 AM
Real Estate Survey Info - Overview
A survey in the Ascent Land Records Suite is an entity that encapsulates the information related to the boundaries of a tax parcel in a non-spatial way. The...
Mon, 4 May, 2020 at 9:13 AM
Performing a Survey Search/Search Filters/Search Results
A real estate survey search allows a user to locate survey records that encapsulate information related to the boundaries of tax parcels associated with the...
Mon, 4 May, 2020 at 9:24 AM
Viewing Surveys - Survey Detail Overview
Choosing a specific survey from a list of survey search results will display the survey details page for that survey. The survey detail page consists of two...
Mon, 4 May, 2020 at 9:56 AM