Note: This information will only be available if the county department responsible for property listing records maintains this information in the Ascent Land Records Suite.

The Plat and Condo Listing provides the means to search for condominium, cemetery, subdivision, and transportation project plats that have been recorded with the county's Register of Deeds. This listing can be used to verify that the name for a subdivision plat or condominium is the the official name of the recorded document. Additionally, it can be used to verify the correct spelling for the plat or condominium. At some counties, public users may have the ability to view the officially recorded plat or condominium document at no additional charge. 


The search filters available in a plat and condo listing are:

  • Plat Name: This represents the official plat name. The portal will automatically perform a wild card search. So, for example, typing the word "point" into this field will search for any plat that contains the word pattern anywhere in the plat name.
  • Document Type: The type of plat. The user may select from the types shown below in the drop-down list, and selecting a specific type of plat will restrict the search results. Specifying <ALL> will search across all the plat types and generally produce a broader set of results.


Clicking the Find Now button will execute the search and generate the listing. If no search filters are specified a complete listing will be generated. The search illustrated below, for instance, produces a complete listing of all subdivision plats recorded at the county:

This next example will search against all plat types, but only those that contain the word "point" anywhere in the official plat name:


The search results will display the following information for parcels that satisfy the search filters provided:

  • Document #: The recorded document number assigned to the plat when it was recorded with the Register of Deeds.
  • Official Name: The official title for the plat.
  • Type: The type of plat.
  • Pages: The number of pages in the plat document as recorded with the Register of Deeds.
  • Recorded: The date that the plat document was recorded with the Register of Deeds.

Results display alphabetically by the Official Name. As with other searches in the Ascent Land Records Suite (e.g. Survey Search, Parcel Search, etc), results will be paged and the number of records displayed on each page can be changed by the user by adjusting the value in the Records/Page drop down list prior to clicking Find Now.

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