A sales history search provides users with historical information regarding property sale transfers that have occurred in the county during a specified time-frame. The user can define the time-frame and also may restrict the search to a specific municipality within the county. Assessment data is derived from the Ascent Land Records database, but sale transfer information is derived from transfer fee information captured in the Register of Deeds office at the time the official document that transferred the property was recorded.


The search filters available in a sales history inquiry are:

  • Municipality: This represents the municipality across which the inquiry will be performed. The municipality is a required filter and a search cannot be performed against all municipalities in the county at one time.
  • Start Date / End Date: This represents the document recorded date range against which the inquiry will be performed. Only documents recorded within the indicated date range will be returned. If the start date is left blank, it will default to one year previous to today's date. If the end date is left blank it will default to today's date.
  • Sort By: Several options are available by which to sort the results list including Parcel ID, Address, Document Number, Document Type, and Recorded Date.
  • Records/Page: Use the drop down to select the number of records that will be available on the search results screen. Options are 10, 15, 20, 30 and 50.


Clicking the Find Now button will execute the search and generate the listing. The search illustrated above, for instance, produces a list of all transfers recorded with the Register of Deeds for property transferred in the Town of Bergen between (and including) 5/4/2019 and 5/4/2020:

The search results display the following information for parcels that satisfy the search filters provided:

  • Parcel: The parcel number associated with the recorded document. If the document relates to multiple parcels, each parcel will appear on its own line. The parcel number itself is a web link and clicking on it will navigate the user to the tax parcel details for that parcel.
  • Address: The physical (site) addresses of the parcel. Two addresses will display in the results. If more than two site addresses are associated with the parcel, these will be visible in the parcel detail.
  • Document: The recorded document number assigned to the document when it was recorded with the Register of Deeds.
  • Type: The type of the recorded document which describes the transfer of ownership.
  • Recorded: The date that the document was recorded with the Register of Deeds.
  • Year: The assessment year.
  • Consideration: The amount of consideration exchanged for the transfer of ownership (i.e. sale amount).
  • Land Val: The value of the land assessed in the specified assessment year.
  • Impt Val: The value of the improvements assessed in the specified assessment year.

By default, results display in ascending parcel number order. Other sorts are available, including Address, Document Number, Document Type, and Recorded Date. As with other searches in the Ascent Land Records Suite (e.g. Survey Search, Parcel Search, etc), results will be paged and the number of records displayed on each page can be changed by the user by adjusting the value in the Records/Page drop down list prior to clicking Find Now.


Select a parcel to see the sales history detail.


  • Public users choosing the Purchase link will be transferred to the county's Register of Deeds system, which handles the processing of document purchases. Some counties may not provide a public interface to purchase documents. In this case, no link will be visible, and the individual will need to contact the Register of Deeds office for information on purchasing recorded documents.
  • Authorized users will see a View link. An authorized user may be a county employee or a public user that has been provided with subscription access to view documents. The user must 'Log in' with a valid user name and password, and the user name must have been configured with the necessary rights to View recorded documents. Individuals that are not county officials should contact the Register of Deeds office for information on becoming an authorized user.


  • Click View ERetr to view the real estate transfer receipt detail:

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